Efficient translation in WHATS’On CMS with Wordbee Translator

by | May 21, 2019

WHATS’ON by MediaGenix  is a CMS management platform that enables users to launch new channels or set up additional, on-demand services, while optimizing workflow and infrastructure; the CMS manages the content workflow as your content moves from initial concept in the long-term plan to fully prepared and formatted material—complete with promos and secondary events—allocated to diverse linear channels and VOD services.

It’s no surprise that Wordbee already has a WHATS’ON Localization Connector dedicated to WHATS’ON to ensure your broadcast business to stay within budgets, maximize your rights, deliver quality media translations, reach your editorial targets and comply with regulatory requirements. 

Features overview

The Beebox Connector for WHATS’ON makes translating content an efficient and user-friendly process. The connector receives content to translate, packages and streams it to your translation team or provider, receives finished translations and pushes them back to WHATS’ON.

  • Work the way you want - Connects to your preferred translation service providers, in-house team or TMS.
  • Solid Metadata control - For workflows and assignments, per each specific request.
  • Full control of translation segments –  Length constraints stored inside requests or defined as percentages.
  • Efficient localization processes for your business - Translate any source and target language(s.) – in any directions.
  • Comprehensive translation bundling - Various options available to optimize your translation processes.
  • Control, visibility & transparency – Easy tracking of running translation requests and comprehensive logs.

Translation cost optimization

With the help of the Beebox WHATS’ON connector, you can automatically identify in Wordbee Translator if a sentence or paragraph has been translated in the past. The system automatically reuses past translations and does not send that content again to your translation provider.

This may lead to a translation volume reduction of 20% or more. Your translation provider receives unique content only (option).
If your site has already been translated, you can have your existing translations aligned and submitted to your translation team for approval for future use.

Compatibility and Integration

The Beebox connector integrates with WHATS’ON via FTP and configures and adapts the connector to your specific setup, needs, and workflows.

WHATS’ON is a highly flexible product and an integration specificity depends on your specific use case. We work with WHATS’ON customers to adapt and configure the connector to your specific needs.

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